Pattison, V.**, C. Bone, P. O’Hara, L. Cowen and L. Wilson. Characterizing Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus movement behaviour during breeding-season foraging trips using hidden Markov models. IBIS, accepted.
Nesdoly, A.**, C. Bone, M. Fraser, N. Serra-Sogas, and R. Canessa. Evaluating models for classifying movement of whale-watching vessels. Ecological Informatics, 101903.
Khan, P.***, L. Eliuk, S. Frey, C. Bone, and J.T. Fisher. Shifts in diel activity of Rocky Mountain mammal communities in response to anthropogenic disturbance and sympatric invasive white-tailed deer. Global Ecology and Conservation, 41, e02355.
Seider, J. H**., T. Lantz, and C. Bone. Tundra shrub expansion in a warming climate and the influence of data type on models of habitat suitability. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 54(1), 488-506.
Kelley, J.**, T. Trofymow, C. Bone. Combining Area-Based and Individual Tree Metrics for Improving Merchantable and Non-Merchantable Wood Volume Estimates in Coastal Douglas-Fir Forests. Remote Sensing, 14(9), 2204.
Morrow, B.**, P. O’Hara, N. Ban, T. Marques, M. Fraser, N. Serra-Sogas, and C. Bone. Improving effort estimates and informing temporal distribution of recreational salmon fishing in British Columbia, Canada using high-frequency optical imagery data. Fisheries Research, 249, 106251.
Steen-Adams, M.*, J. Abrams, H. Huber-Stearns, C. Bone and C. Moseley. Leveraging Administrative Capacity to Manage Landscape-Scale, Cross-Boundary Disturbance in the Black Hills: What Roles for Federal, State, Local, and Nongovernmental Partners?. Journal of Forestry, 120(1), 86-105.
Hart, H**., D. Perrakis, S.Taylor, C. Bone and C. Bozzini. Georeferencing oblique aerial wildfire photographs: an untapped source of fire behaviour data. Fire, 4(4), 81.
Zubiria-Perez, A.**, C. Bone and G. Stenhouse. Simulating multi-scale movement decision-making and learning in a large carnivore using agent-based modelling. Ecological Modelling, 452(15): 109568.
Kelley, J.**, T. Trofymow, J. M. Metsaranta, C.N. Filipescu, and C. Bone. Use of multi-temporal LiDAR to quantify fertilization effects on stand volume and biomass in late-rotation coastal Douglas-fir forests. Forests, 12(5): 517.
Robson, D.**, C. Bone and C. Tremblay. Evaluating the potential of cybercartography in facilitating Indigenous self-determination: A case study with the Hupacasath First Nation. Accepted for publication in Cartographica.
DeRoy, B.**, V. Brown, C. Service, M. Leclerc, C. Bone, I. McKechnie, C. Darimont. Indigenous Knowledge and remotely-sensed data inform landscape suitability models for a biocultural indicator: culturally modified trees in Kitasoo/Xai’xais Territory. FACETS, 6(1) 465-489.
Ballard, K.** and C. Bone. Exploring spatially varying relationships between Lyme disease and land cover with geographically weighted regression. Applied Geography, 127: 102383.
Abrams, J., Huber-Stearns, H., Steen-Adams, M., Davis, E. J., Bone, C., Nelson, M. F., and Moseley, C. Adaptive governance in a complex social-ecological context: emergent responses to a native forest insect outbreak. Sustainability Science, 16: 53-68.
Goudine**, A., R. Newell and C. Bone. Seeing Climate Change: A Framework for Understanding Visualizations for Climate Adaptation. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(11), 644.
2020 Steen-Adams, M. M., Abrams, J. B., Huber-Stearns, H. R., Moseley, C., and Bone, C. Local-level emergence of network governance within the US Forest Service: A case study of mountain pine beetle outbreak from Colorado, USA. Forest Policy and Economics, 118, 102204.
2020 Kim, H.**, C. Bone and G-A Lee. Landscapes shared by visibility: a case study on the settlement relationships of the Songgukri Culture, Korea. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. Accepted: submission ID AASC-D-18-00148R1
Bone, C. and M. Nelson*. Improving mountain pine beetle survival predictions using multi-year temperatures across the western USA. Forests. 10(10): 866.
Altaweel, M., Bone, C. and Abrams, J. Documents as data: A content analysis and topic modeling approach for analyzing responses to ecological disturbances. Ecological Informatics, 51, 82-95.
Huber-Stearns, H., C. Moseley, C. Bone, N. Mosurinjohn**, and K. Lyon. An Initial Look at Contracted Wildfire Response Capacity in the American West. Journal of Forestry, 117: 1-8.
Nelson, M.*, J. Murphy, C. Bone and M. Altaweel. Cyclic epidemics, population crashes, and irregular eruptions in simulated populations of the Mountain Pine Beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Ecological Complexity, 36: 218-229.
Bone, C. Agent-based Modeling. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (2nd Quarter 2018 Edition), John P. Wilson (ed.). DOI:10.22224/gistbok/2018.2.7.
Abrams, J., H. Huber-Sterns, C. Bone, C. Grummon** and C. Moseley. Adaptation to a landscape-scale mountain pine beetle epidemic in the era of networked governance: the enduring importance of bureaucratic institutions. Ecology and Society, 22(4).
Potterf, M.** and C. Bone. Simulating bark beetle population dynamics in response to windthrow events. Ecological Complexity, 32: 21-30.
Lyon, K.M., H. Huber-Sterns, C. Moseley, C. Bone and N. Mosurinjohn**. Sharing contracted resources for fire suppression: engine dispatch in the Northwestern United States. International Journal of Wildland Fire 26(2): 113-121.